Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Alternative Icebergs ...

Wednesday the 15th February 2017. While the German Prime Minister Angela Merkel has cancelled a joint summit with Netanyahu's apartheid Government, because of the recent decision by Israel to legalize and expand the illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, the legally robbing rascals of the VVD still don’t understand why there’s so much fuss about the appointment of a lieing and cheating ex-Secretary of State as a member of the Council of State, one of the most important advisory bodies of the Dutch Government and the highest administrative courts of the country. The traditional jobs carousel for party members, caught with a touch of corruption, just turns on with nominations for mayors and commissioners. Usually the joint hands above each others heads of the party elite are deterrent enough to hide from a judicial rain, but for VVD politician Ton Hooijmaijers no fingerplant leaf turned out big enough to escape from a sentence of a few years imprisonment. The former Deputy by the High Council was found guilty of bribery, forgery and money laundering, in other words, keeping up the Party tradition. Co-author of the "liberal manifesto" and former prominent of the party, Nurten Albayrak is also convicted of forgery, she had instructed her Secretary to put fake working agreements in her agenda to disguise the many private trips she made with a council car, was punished with a 100 hours of community service. It is not surprising to see that politicians of a party that is trying to save the Dutch tax haven with all the power that they have,  are overrepresented when it comes to news on financial malpractice. It's the same VVD which even explicitly proposed to undermine international conventions, including the European Convention on human rights, and disconnect them from the Dutch legal order. As The Netherlands do not have a Constitutional Court that compares laws to the Constitution, no one would an opportunity to protect their human rights, the freedom of religion or freedom of expression. The club of Wilders, a racist and nationalist stronghold without members, is of course the number on when it comes to proposals that are in conflict with international treaties, the rule of law or current Dutch legislation. Of the ten points on the A4 sheet of the Islamophobic populist, more than half are legally untenable unless the rule of law would be abolished. Also the biblical parties CDA and SGP propose laws that are contrary to democracy and the rule of law. A Commission tested the party programmes to three minimum requirements. That is, the requirement that the Government must be predictable and also uphold the rules, the requirement that fundamental human rights are not being violated and the requirement that everyone should have access to an independent court. It's quite a chilling statement of the independent Committee for legal scholars and lawyers, an initiative of the Bar Association of The Netherlands, that a large part of Dutch political parties propose anti-democratic objectives in their election pamphlets. Democracy should function properly until they are in power ... Trumpianic scenes!
Soon it could a punishable act to report facts.... Oh.. wait, that's exactly the policy of that battle-axe
on that small, still calling themselves Great Kingdom, island in the North Sea. All anti-democratic actions of politicians, corrupt officials, unmasking of pimp playing bailiffs, carcinogenic artificial playing fields, war criminals, fraudulent directors and account marauding charity directors, to name but a tip of the toxic iceberg, come to light by the work of people having a lefty hobby, also called investigative journalists. Indisputable revelations, "anti-State" and disruptive truths, which go against the fraudulent economic model of the elite and therefore, at all costs, must be replaced with alternative facts. In a Trumpianic world where "democratically" elected leaders refuse to be accountable for decisions taken and avoid constitutional debates, there is only one way out, unfortunately history teaches us that lots of innocent victims will suffer during a revolution ....

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