Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday chores, there's always tomorrow

2017, Sunday the 18th. While a large group of neo-Nazis head towards Montana where they will be marching tomorrow on a tarmac runway to show their swastika tattoos and hate for Jews, a known Dutch journalist writes that, after years of working abroad, he no longer wants to go back to the land of his parents, equal to an immigrant who settled down in Portugal, he saw that little country on the North Sea, change from an open and social society to an unfriendly and unhappy piece of, lying half below the sea level of racism and selfishness, landscape.  Meanwhile politicians are tweeting that Michelle Obama is the best president that America will never have, why they do is unclear, because using this empathetic woman as a role model is, given their own behavior, a bit to much, that would damage the plush of their parliamentary seats.  While a sniveling sawdust maker wears out his fingertips during the practice of chords on a homemade ukulele, just because the work place temperature wouldn’t do well to fight the imperfections that entails such a winter flu, he is still challenged by the family dog for a walk.  Fresh air does well as long as you bear in mind that the further you get from the house, the more tired the walk back will be, not for the dog of course, she has still enough energy to dig a meter deep hole in the garden when we’re back home.  It's Sunday, one of the busiest days of the week, with markets, events, busy supermarkets, restaurants and traffic jams at the gas pump.  Maybe we should do it different this year, just Sunday, healthy-day retreat-day and maybe, but just maybe though, recovery day.  Despite the coffee, a crowded head with creative ideas and house full of "interesting" chores, I think it’s a good idea, lets go back on to that warm electric blanket!

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