Saturday, February 21, 2015

Compassion Lost

For those who try their best
but can't do better
For those walking slower than the rest
you know it doesn't matter

For those with burdens on their shoulders
carrying a heavy weight
who's body's fire smolders
your soul will compensate

the world became a dangerous place
there is no space for the human face
life became an achievement race
the way we act a big disgrace

love where have you gone
People what did we do
compassion why are you numb
I guess you're silent to

We know the modern liberal rules
demand that sickness is a crime
The world will never be a paradise
love never got the time

Health-care became big business
Cures and medicine a form of bribe
Your treatment in the hands of man in suits
an empty wallet is what they prescribe

the world became a dangerous place
there is no space for the human face
life became an achievement race
the way we act a big disgrace

love where have you gone
People what did we do
compassion why are you numb
I guess you're silent to

For those who's Mondays use up all the drive
and lac the talent to multi-task
For those being passive is a way to survive
hiding behind a laughing mask

For those who's brain can't handle chaos
simple structures are the way
For those who can't get their feelings across
your silence is okay

the world became a dangerous place
there is no space for the human face
life became an achievement race
the way we act a big disgrace

love where have you gone
People what did we do
compassion why are you numb
I guess you're silent to

For those who put the cattle on the stove
and wait for the water to steam
For they would forget about the tea
short term memory  a dream

For those with a weak heart in their chest
when limited energy is just a fact
Modern times are on a quest
Needing care not in ...... the contract

the world became a dangerous place
there is no space for the human face
life became an achievement race
the way we act a big disgrace

love where have you gone
People what did we do
compassion why are you numb
I guess you're silent to

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