Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Yes, the man who we gave our vote...

The man says I should live healthy
the man says I shouldn't drink
the man says I should be working
the man says my wages should shrink

The man says I should live longer
the man says eat GMO food
the man says I shouldn't be asking
the man says he knows what's good

The man says I should be productive
the man says I shouldn't strike
the man says he's been chosen
the man says he knows what I like

But the man's living in a mansion
I'm living in a derelict trailer
The man's got private health insurance
To me the doctor says maybe later....

The man says I should be quiet
the man says I shouldn't provoke
The man says I should pay my taxes
The man says I shouldn't smoke

The man says I should be loyal
the man says I shouldn't retire
the man says I should shut up
the man says he's the one to admire

The man says he represents democracy
the man says he's the one to vote
the man says I can't be a socialist
the man says it's capitalism I should promote

But the man drives in a Benz
and I'm riding my rusty bike
the man owns a foreign nanny
I'm living in a kind of third Reich....

The man says he doesn't owe me
the man says I should lower my voice
the man says he's been elected
the man says he's the only right choice

The man says I should contribute
the man says life is about success
the man says I should obey
the man says I'm to blame for the mess

The man says there is no privacy
the man says it's just protocol
the man says its for my security
the man says he wants to know it all

But the man is guarded by some suits
My freedom broken beyond repair
the man is protected by mighty friends
but where ever I go I must beware....

The man wants me to live healthy
so I can work until my dying day
I'm not allowed to save for later
because pension is such a cliche

The man is the biggest threat to us all
shoveling poison in our throat
and bringing us only misery
Yes, the man who we gave our vote...

(lyrics for a blues song)

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